Opium poppy seeds


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Opium poppy seeds (papaver somniferum)

Amount: 5gram

How to grow:  Papaver somniferum is a very easy plant to grow. For an ideal environment you should plant it in a fertilized garden with good draining, but it also grows in pots, provided that there is enough space for the roots. The seeds can be planted anytime between September and April. If winter frosts are normal in your area, don’t plant the seeds until the end of the winter, or early spring, as the plants from autumn and winter seeds may die with the subsequent frosts. Throw the seeds and cover them with a very thin layer of soil. Water them well until they germinate, keeping the soil humid. The seeds will start growing within a week. Water them with moderation in the beginning to avoid rotting.

Warning: be careful; opiates are very addictive. however, the seeds do not contain any alkaloids and are only used for growing

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