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Amount: 60 caps

Doses: 60 doses, take with some water

Effect: production of dopamine and norepinefrine


L-tyrosine is an amino acid that functions as a precursor for stimulating neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and dopamine. It is often used to recover from drugs like cocaine and amphetamines(speed).It may also be used to recover from drugs like MDMA(XTC), but in that case the user must first replenish serotonine levels by using l-tryptophan. Ingesting l-tyrosine when serotonine is still depleted could have neurotoxic effects. So always consult your doctor if in question

Ingredients: one capsule contains 500mg l-tyrosine and 10 mg of vitamin B6

Warning: Keep out of reach of children. Only for 18y or older. Do not use when pregnant, on medication, high or low bloodpressure, when suffering from kidney and/or heart disease,depression,  or when taking MAO inhibitors

Important: check the disclaimer




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